هل تبحث عن استشارات نفسية مميزة؟
اختر من خلال لبيه من يناسبك من المختصين ذوي الخبرة الكبيرة
Ergonomics & Mental Health: A Holistic Approach to Workplace well-being
Written by: Heidi Green When most people think about ergonomics, they usually imagine comfortable chairs,...
روتين صحي لزيادة إنتاجية الموظفين العاملين عن بُعد وحمايتهم من الإرهاق والتشتت
بقلم: أشرف سالم أصبح العمل عن بُعد نمطًا شائعًا للعديد من الموظفين، حيث يوفر مرونة...
The Importance of Physical Wellbeing for better Performance and Productivity at Workplace
What’s the Link Between Physical Wellbeing and High Performance in the Workplace? ڑ It’s often...
How Can Good Sleep Improve Your Productivity?
Sometimes, the pace of modern life barely allows time to rest and relax, making it...
Seven Steps to Give Motivational Feedback at Work
Written by: Heidi Green Giving feedback is not always easy. Constructive feedback has the potential...
Best Meditation and Stress Reduction Techniques for the Workplace
What is Meditation? Meditation is a practice that involves focusing or clearing the mind using...
Manage Stress: 7 Strategies to Enhance Employees’ Productivity and Mental Wellbeing
Many people experience accumulated stress and various difficulties, which can build up and lead to...
5 Best Strategies to Retain Your Top Talent
In today’s market, the recruitment process has become easier than ever, and reaching top talent...
Effective Practices to Build Strong Work Relationships and Enhance Communication among Employees in the Workplace.
A productive and robust work environment requires strong and harmonious employee work relationships. Therefore, this...
How Can Corporate Culture Impact Mental Well-being and Productivity In the Workplace?
Corporate culture is a set of shared values, attitudes, and practices that guide a company’s...
5 Steps to Ensure Mental and Physical Safety of All Employees at Work
Ensuring the mental and physical safety of employees at work is a key way to...
تأثير العمل الليلي والورديات على الصحة النفسية
يُعدُّ العمل في الوردية الليلية أمرًا شائعًا في العديد من المهن والقطاعات المختلفة، إذ يُتيح...
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