Making 100 million people happier

جلسات تنمية ذاتية ، بكل سهولة وخصوصية

منصة التنمية الذاتية

Labayh is a comprehensive online solution for therapeutic and wellbeing services, Providing 1:1 sessions, webinars, support groups by licensed therapists. Download Labayh and start your healing journey now

Scheduled sessions

Instant sessions

Support groups

Therapy programs

Recorded webinars

Privacy . Quality . security

24/7 therapy sessions, with complete privacy, provided by the best psychologists and psychotherapists

For individuals

Scheduled and instant sessions

Webinars and support groups

Mental health assessments and medicinal prescriptions

Labayh business

A package of well-being programs for employees

Quality assessment for the work environment

Anonymous therapy sessions

Licensed therapists available 24/7

The best psychologists and psychotherapists providing sessions easily through the app


Licensed therapists


Minutes of therapy

Therapy programs

Therapeutic plans built on scientific foundations

Comprehensive programs for a number of the most common problems such as anxiety and depression. Contains individual sessions with a licensed therapist, an educational guide and exercises at affordable prices


Depression and anxiety assessments

A number of questions that can help you assess you status and assign you the right therapist

Completely confidential reports

Can be shared with a therapist

How are you feeling today

The mood tracker

خاصية متتبع المزاج اليومي تساعدك على رفع الوعي بنفسك ومتابعة مدى تحسن مزاجك على مر الأيام.


24/7 therapy sessions, with complete privacy, provided by the best psychologists and psychotherapists

How can I find the right therapist ?

Using filters you specify the problem you’re trying to solve, your budget and other additional specifications

How do I talk to the therapist ?

After booking an appointment you will have the choice to text or call your therapist via the app, we recommend video calls as they give the highest value

How can I book a session ?

Download the app, create an account, you can either book an instant session or book an appointment with the therapist of your choice

Contact customer service 24/7

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