Who are we?

Labayh is an electronic platform specialized in psychological and family sessions, and we at Labayh are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. Our policies in Labayh and other terms referred to within application determine the basis of dealings between us and the “competent” service provider and the “beneficiary” service receiver. Therefore, we ask you to read it very carefully so that you understand our point of view regarding how we deal with your personal information and the data transmitted through application. By registering with us, you agree to the terms referred to in the privacy policy and other requirements contained on the site. 

شروط واحكام الضمان الذهبي

يمكنك الاستفادة من هذه الخدمة لمرة واحدة فقط.
يمكنك المطالبة بالضمان خلال 24 ساعة  فقط من انتهاء الموعد.
سيتم استرجاع مبلغ الجلسة لمحفظتك في التطبيق.
لا يمكن الاستفادة من الخدمة في حال عدم حضورك للجلسة

Privacy and integrity policy

Maintain confidentiality of information

One of our main goals at Labayh is to preserve the privacy of users, so we at Labayh are committed not to disclose any personal information, whether to the consultant or the beneficiary, such as “name, address, e-mail, etc.” to any party within the limits permitted to us according to the law of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Access to this information will only be allowed to professional team work supervising Labayh.

Data we collect from you

We at (Labayh) collect and save the data that the beneficiary enters, specifically the following data: 

The data requested from the beneficiary in his personal account in the application, is name, mobile number, password, and the password is kept encrypted without prejudice to its confidentiality.
(Notes and complaints submitted by the beneficiary via the (contact us) feature 
Beneficiary evaluation of the application, specialists and services provided
Messages sent by the beneficiary to any e-mail of ours

Period of retention of your personal data

We keep your personal data for as long as necessary to serve you, as long as you continue to receive our services, and as long as your account remains registered with us. We may also have to retain some personal data generated by your use of our application in implementation of laws, regulations, or decisions that oblige us to do so, to the minimum extent possible that is compatible with the law.

Technical defect in application and interruption of service

We do our best to ensure that Labayh works at its best and that sessions and programs are provided in a stable, secure environment that preserves your privacy. But if this happens, we hope that you contact us, and the problem will be resolved.

Personal account and password

The beneficiary is obligated to maintain the confidentiality of his personal information and the password in particular. And in the event that any services occur using the password, the beneficiary will bear all the responsibilities arising from that, without any responsibility on Labayh.
The beneficiary is responsible for all data and information that share via the Labayh platform.

Change the privacy policy

We may amend the privacy policy and make changes to it at any time, and in the event of that, we will publish its latest update on (Labayh) application. Your continued use of our services and not canceling your personal account will be considered as your acceptance of what was stated in the privacy policy after update.

Content censorship

We at Labayh reserve the right to manage and monitor all the content of the platform, and therefore we reserve the right to delete, edit or remove any beneficiary who publishes matters contrary to the objectives of the platform and its terms and conditions. Therefore, when you agree to register with us, you implicitly agree to the terms and conditions of the platform and not to violate it. 

These terms and policies are under constant development and improvement, so beneficiaries shall review them periodically.

Terms and Conditions

The right to receive services

You represent and warrant the following:

Your use of Labayh services has never been suspended or prevented you from using them at any time. 
Any misuse by the beneficiary outside the framework of the described relationship will lead to the suspension of his account directly
You are 18 years old or older to be able to receive the services in the Labayh App
لا يتم صرف الأدوية من خلال التطبيق لعمر أقل من 18 سنة.

Representations and warranties

You will review and comply with any notices sent by Labayh in connection with your use of the service provided by Labayh App. 
You will not use the information, content or any data you access or obtain through Labayh services for any purpose other than for personal use and you will use App and the service exclusively for your own purposes and will not sell it to any third party. 
You will not use the Service or Application to cause harm, annoyance, or inconvenience to anyone
You will not hinder the proper operation of Application
You will not attempt to harm the Service or the Application in any way
You will keep your account password or any other identifier we provide to you and allow access to your account in a secure and confidential manner.
We have made every effort to keep the website in a good and easy way, however Labayh assumes no responsibility and we will not be subject to any claims for the temporary unavailability of the website due to technical problems beyond our control.

Intellectual property rights

All intellectual property rights of these services and all materials related to them or that appear within the Application are the property of Labayh, whether registered or not in the Application. All content information and designs contained on the Application are our property, including, but not limited to: texts, graphics, programs, images, video, music and audio, and their selection and coordination, as well as all software compilations, source codes and main programs. 
You shall not allow anyone, for any reason, to use your account in order to obtain a session or to benefit from any of the services of Labayh Company.


The prices appearing in the Application for each service are approved before ordering and will appear on the personal page of each “specialist” service provider. The price may vary according to the “specialist” service provider, who has the right to adjust the price whenever he wants, and the session price will be updated based on the change. 

Higher academic degree 
Higher professional rating 


Labayh reserves the right to impose new fees for using the Application, the service, or both.
You shall pay the value of the “session” service to Labayh when booking the appointment with the specialist 
Payment methods available from within the platform (Mada - Apple Pay - Visa - Payment via installments)

Appointment cancellation policy

The session amount is refunded to the customerin the following cases:

The customerhas the right to request a refund of the full amount paid 6 hours before the date of the session
The customerhas the right to request a refund of the full amount paid in the event that the specialist fails to attend the session without any prior excuse
In the event that the customer wishes to cancel the session within less than 3 hours of its date, only 50% of the amount paid in the customer’s wallet will be recovered
In the event that the client is late for the session, and it is canceled, only 50% of the amount paid in the client’s wallet will be refunded
In the event that the appointment is suspended for a period of 30 days from the date of reservation, it will be automatically canceled and only 50% of the amount paid will be refunded to the customer’s wallet.

Refund policy

The session amount is refunded to the customerin the following cases:

In the event that the customer does not comply and the appointment is suspended by the specialist for a period exceeding a month, 50% of the amount will be deducted and the remaining amount will be automatically returned to the customer’s wallet.
The client can request a refund of the full amount paid 24 hours before the date of the session
The customerhas the right to request a refund of the full amount paid in the event that the specialist fails to attend the session without any prior excuse
The customerhas the right to request a refund of the full amount paid in the event of a technical defect from the Application
The customeris not entitled to refund the session amount or part of it in the event of a request to terminate the session during the validity of the appointment
The customercannot refund the amount after completing the session
The cost of the session is fully refunded in the event that the appointment is canceled by the specialist and the customerdoes not wish to transfer the session reservation to another consultant, or to keep the amount in the client’s wallet within the Application

legal responsibility

The information, recommendations, services or any of them provided to you through the website or application are for the purposes of completing the service based on the request.
Labayh will maintain, as much as possible, the correctness and updating of the website, the Application and its contents, and this does not contradict the presence of the developmental side.
Labayh shall not be liable for any damages resulting from the use of (or inability to use) the Website or Application, including damages caused by malware or viruses, nor shall it be liable for incorrect or incomplete information or the Website or Application, unless such damage may not have resulted from willful misconduct or gross negligence on the part of Labayh
Labayh is not responsible for any damages resulting from the beneficiary sharing his contact information with the specialist.

سياسات نظام الاحالة

لايمكن سحب المبلغ نقداً او تحويله لحساب اخر
يتم الغاء الرصيد في حال حذف العميل لحسابه في لبيه
تحدد فترة الاستفادة من الرصيد بمدة 12 شهور من تاريخ الحصول على مكافأة
الحد الأقصى لاستخدام كود الاحالة مرة واحدة في التسجيل ومرة واحدة في حجز الموعد
يحق للبيه تحديد حد أعلى لرصيد الاحالة الذي يمكن استخدامه  في حجز الموعد

سياسة الاشتراك في لبيه بلس

مدة الاشتراك ، تحدد فترة الاشتراك بعام ميلادي كامل تبدأ من تاريخ تفعيل الاشتراك وتسديد الرسوم.
الدفع والاشتراك :
يجب على المستخدمين دفع الرسوم المطلوبة مقدماً للاشتراك في الخدمة من خلال وسائل الدفع المتاحة في التطبيق.
قد تختلف رسوم الاشتراك من عميل لآخر ومن وقت لآخر.
يحق للبيه أن تقدم لعملاء معينين عروض تجريبية مختلفة أو عضويات ترويجية أخرى.
الملكية الفكرية وخصوصية الاستخدام :
تبقى جميع حقوق الملكية الفكرية المتعلقة بالخدمة محفوظة لشركة لبيه.
لايجوز للمستخدمين إعطاء بياناتهم في التطبيق لمستخدمين أخرين بهدف الدخول والحصول على الخدمة.
لايجوز للمستخدمين استخدام، أو نسخ أو نقل أو توزيع المحتوى المملوك لنا دون إذن مسبق.
يحظر استخدام الخدمة لإرسال محتوى مسيء أو غير قانوني أو مسيء للآخرين قد نرسل لك بريدا إلكترونيا وغيره من الاتصالات المتعلقة بلبيه وعضويتك (بغض النظر عن أي إعدادات أو تفضيلات متعلقة بحسابك).
سياسة الإلغاء :
لأننا في شركة لبيه نحرص ونلتزم بتقديم خدمة عالية الجودة لعملائنا. ونحن ندرك أنه قد تحدث حالات قد تستدعي إلغاء الاشتراك من قبل العملاء. ولذلك، نضع بين يديكم سياسة شروط الإلغاء التالية:
يحق للعميل تقديم طلب الغاء الاشتراك خلال أول 7 أيام من تاريخ الاشتراك بشرط عدم استخدام او الاستفادة من مميزات الاشتراك.
في حالة تم طلب إلغاء الاشتراك بعد مضي 7 أيام أو خلال فترة الاشتراك، لن يتم استرداد المبالغ المدفوعة مسبقًا عن الفترة المتبقية من الاشتراك، وسيتم الاحتفاظ بالخدمة نشطة حتى نهاية الفترة الحالية.
إجراءات إلغاء الاشتراك :
يجب على العميل تقديم طلب إلغاء الاشتراك من خلال خدمة العملاء.
يجب أن تتضمن طلبات الإلغاء المعلومات اللازمة للتحقق من بيانات العميل والاشتراك.
رسوم إلغاء الاشتراك :
في حالة وجود رسوم إلغاء، سيتم إبلاغ العميل بالمبلغ المستحق وخصمه من قيمة الاشتراك المسدد.
قد يتم تطبيق رسوم إلغاء في حالات خاصة.
حقوق العميل بعد إلغاء الاشتراك :
بمجرد إلغاء الاشتراك، يفقد العميل حق الاستفادة من جميع مميزات الاشتراك والوصول للمحتوى
نحتفظ بحق تغيير أو تعديل شروط الإلغاء في أي وقت نود أن نؤكد مرة أخرى التزامنا بتقديم خدمة عالية الجودة والتعامل بشكل عادل مع جميع عملائنا.

Service modification

Labayh reserves the right, at his sole discretion, to do the following at any time:

Change the Services or any related materials, and/or stop publishing the Services
If Labayh decides to stop publishing its services, it may willingly replace the services with other similar materials.

Limitation of liability

Labayh does not make any warranties, express or implied, regarding the services, as they are all provided as it.
Labayh undertakes to work as much as possible to provide qualified consultants in order to meet the beneficiary's needs and provide him with a distinguished service, but does not guarantee the extent to which the customer will benefit from the service; Because it is not measurable


You acknowledge that you are solely responsible for the privacy of the services provided to you, and you are solely responsible for their use by any other person using your account and/or username, password or access credentials.
You agree to notify Labayh if you become aware of loss, theft, or unauthorized use of any password, user name, or other methods of accessing the Services, IP address “Internet Protocol address”.

Modify the service and user conditions

Labayh reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to modify or replace any of these User Terms, or to change, suspend or discontinue the Service or Application (including without limitation the availability of any feature, database or content) at any time, by posting a notice on the Site or by sending you a notice through the Service or Application or via e-mail.
We may impose limits on certain features and services or restrict your access to parts or all of the Service without notice or liability.


Labayh may send a notice by sending a general notice about the service or application, or by sending an e-mail to your mailing address registered in the account information with Labayh, or by sending a letter by regular mail to your address registered in the account information with Labayh.

Applicable law and dispute resolution

In the event of any disputes, disagreements arising from the interpretation and implementation of these terms and conditions, they are subject to all applicable user conditions and laws and regulations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and shall be interpreted in accordance with them.

Applicable law and dispute resolution

Labayh team must be treated with respect and any offense against the team may lead to administrative and legal measures being taken.
The specialist has the right to ban the client if he encounters any kind of abuse by the client.


The safety plan is suitable for all dangerous cases and within the applicable work procedures. We ask health practitioners to carry out the professional and ethical duty and take the necessary measures, including not closing contact with the beneficiary and following up within the limits of the treatment relationship. What does the specialist expect after the communication?

Some entities may ask you to attend or communicate, depending on the procedures and requirements of the concerned entity.